Alyssa Jordan
A Girl's Guide to Fly Fishing: Reflex Fiction Volume 3
"A Girl’s Guide to Fly Fishing contains 158 flash fictions from 139 writers from across the world. These short short stories, each no longer than 360 words, were longlisted for the four rounds of the Reflex flash fiction competition held in 2019... A Girl’s Guide to Fly Fishing showcases the versatility of flash fiction. From the traditional narrative to the experimental, each of these page-long stories packs a punch greater than its word count suggests."
Barely Casting a Shadow: Reflex Fiction Volume 1
"Barely Casting a Shadow includes 161 stories from 138 of the best flash fiction writers in the world, all long-listed for the first four rounds of the Reflex Fiction flash fiction competition. You’ll find four winning stories: Anger Management by Charmaine Wilkerson, Jimmy Choo Shoes by Shannon Savvas, Fly Away Home by Helen Rye, and our inaugural winner, and the story that gives this anthology its name, Barely Casting a Shadow by Alicia Bakewell. You’ll find humour, sadness, love, and lots of ladybirds. Whatever your reading tastes, there’ll be something here for you."
Nothing Short Of: Selected Tales from 100 Word Story
"What can a hundred words do? They can send chills, they can bring you to tears, they can take your breath away. In often racy, always charged encounters--from wild messy breakups to a disgruntled clown dinner to quiet revelations over folded laundry--these 100-word stories take us to lightning moments when everything, big and small, is at stake. In NOTHING SHORT OF, a hundred words is all you need."
The Lobsters Run Free: Bath Flash Fiction Volume Two
"One hundred and thirty-five flash fiction stories from world-wide authors selected from the long lists of the three Bath Flash Fiction Awards in 2017. These dazzling fictions, all 300 words or under, give us fresh insights into world wide concerns--from relationship issues and domestic situations tender or fraught, to war torn landscapes and the plight of the dispossessed. So much is compressed into so few words. So much will linger after reading."
Tiny Molecules (October 2024): The Watchers
The Molotov Cocktail (October 2023): Two Egg
Wintermute Lit (September 2023): The Girl with the Knife
*Second place winner for their 2023 Wintermute Writing Contest.
*Reprint. Originally published in Crow & Cross Keys.
Crow & Cross Keys (July 2023): The Girl with the Knife
All Existing Literary Magazine (June 2023): The Shape of You
All Existing Literary Magazine (June 2023): Five Tales from a Supernatural Dating Service
The Sprawl Mag (May 2023): Welcome to Sunny Springs
*Nominated for the 2023 Pushcart Prize.
Roi Fainéant Press (March 2023): Way of the Deep
The Molotov Cocktail (September 2022): Repetition Compulsion
BOMBFIRE (September 2022): Walking Corpse Syndrome
Crow & Cross Keys (October 2021): Like Déjà Vu
*Reprint. Originally published in The Lumiere Review.
Lamplit Underground (September 2021): Fear the Living
Cobra Milk (April 2021): Dead Things
The Lumiere Review (March 2021): Like Déjà Vu
*Prose finalist for their 2020-2021 Writing Contest.
*Nominated for the 2022 Pushcart Prize.
LEON Literary Review (December 2020): A Love Song in Three Parts
Full House Literature Magazine (November 2020): Sleeping Beasts
*Reprint / first published with Bath Flash Fiction.
*Shortlisted for the Seventh Bath Flash Fiction Award.
Full House Literature Magazine (November 2020): Water Marks
Fatal Flaw (November 2020): Mixtape: Disorder
The Molotov Cocktail (October 2020): Bread and Salt
*Winner of Flash Monster 2020 contest.
*Nominated for the 2020 Best Small Fictions.
*Finalist for Cream City Review's 2020 Summer Prize in Fiction.
The Dribble Drabble Review (October 2020): House of Blood and The Instinctive Drowning Response
The Sunlight Press (October 2020): Blood Roots
*Nominated for the Best Small Fictions Anthology (Sonder Press).
Melted Butter Magazine (September 2020): Charming's Obits
The Daily Drunk (August 2020): As a Good House Should
South Broadway Ghost Society (July 2020): Standing at the Edge of the World
The Citron Review (June 2020): Start Again
Tiny Molecules (June 2020): Locked-In
Nymphs Publications (June 2020): How the Hands Break in Winter
Emerge Literary Journal (June 2020): A Moving River
Emerge Literary Journal (June 2020): Surfacing
X-R-A-Y Literary Magazine (May 2020): A Transverse Progression
Fiction Kitchen Berlin (May 2020): The Accountant's Wife
Rune Bear (May 2020): A Life Like Moments
STORGY (May 2020): Evolution of a Chef
Hypnopomp Magazine (May 2020): Vanishing Point
(mac)ro(mic) (May 2020): Made to Consume, The Incendiary Effect, We’re All Holograms Here, and Brothers of Nablus
STORGY (May 2020): Reaper in Mourning
Mookychick (April 2020): The Seventh Star
Crab Fat Magazine (April 2020): The Law of Attraction
Blind Corner Literary Magazine (April 2020): Summer Solstice
South Broadway Ghost Society (March 2020): For Your Peace of Mind
Reflex Fiction (June 2019): As Hallowed as the Earth
*Longlisted for the Spring 2019 Contest.
Reflex Fiction (May 2019): Stellar Remnants
Reflex Fiction (February 2019): Waiting
Ghost Parachute (October 2018): Unearthed: A Five-Month Progression
Flash Frontier (June 2018): That Thing You Carry
*Finalist for the Micro Madness 2018 Contest.
CHEAP POP (January 2018): Something Elemental
Reflex Fiction (August 2017): Something Like Peace
*Longlisted for the Summer 2017 Contest.
Dually Noted (August 2017): A Day in the Life
Every Day Fiction (May 2017): Broken Hands
100 Word Story (December 2013): A Guide to Surviving Monotony
Yuzu Press (October 2022): A Summer Prayer
Harpy Hybrid Review (January 2021): A Thread & Song of the Drowned
Streetcake Magazine (December 2020): A Gentling Progression
Sublunary Review (November 2020): In Her Mother's Likeness
Burning Jade (October 2020): Anchor Space
Twin Pies Literary (October 2020): A Sequence You Finally Learned
dreams walking (September 2020): The Widow
Anti-Heroin Chic (April 2020): A Bright Spark in the Distance
Armistice by Lara Elena Donnelly
Amberlough by Lara Elena Donnelly
When the English Fall by David Williams
Last One to the Bridge by Kathy Joy, published by 1888 Center (December 2017)
"Writer of the Week" at Maudlin House (February 2018)